In Chinese

Staff & Students



Title Name Major


Hongzhu WANG

Benthology and Floodplain Ecology

Professor Emeritus

Yanling LIANG

Freshwater Ecology
Senior Technician

Xiaomin LIANG

Assistant Researcher

Yongde CUI

Systematics and Ecology of  Oligochaeta
Xueqin LIU

Benthic food web

HAijun WANG Predictive limnology
Dorctor Students Xuebao HE

Systematics and Ecology of  Oligochaeta

Weihua ZHAO

Stream Ecology

Huijun RU

Fish Ecology

Master Students Yaqiang SHEN

Plant Ecology


Fish Ecology


Ecology of Freshwater Algae

Xiaoke ZHANG

Environmental Flow Requirements

Senior Technician

Xiaomin LIANG, Senior Technician

Telephone: +86 -27- 68780064
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Education and employment

1995-2007            Technician of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2007-present        Senior Technician of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Major research areas

Water chemistry  and analytical chemistry


1.     Wang, H. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang, L. Y. Ni, X. Q. Liu & Y. D. Cui. 2005. Empirical modelling of submersed macrophytes in Yangtze lakes. Ecological Modelling,188: 483-491.

2.   Yan, Q. Y., Feng W S, Liang X M, Xie P. 2005. Relationship between dna fingerprinting of plankton community and physico-chemical factors. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 29: 601-606.

3.   Wang, H. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang & Y. D. Cui, 2006. Stocking models of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir japonica sinensis) in Yangtze lakes. Aquaculture, 255: 456-465.

4.     Jiang, P. H., X. M. Liang, F. Chen, Y. Y. Zhou & H. Z. Wang, 2006.  Indication of macrophytes-restorable area by spatial pattern of macrobenthos in a eutrophic Yangtze Lake. Resource and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 4: 439-445.

5.   Liu, X. Q., H. Z. Wang & X. M. Liang, 2006. Food web of macroinvertebrate community in a Yangtze shallow lake: trophic basis and pathway. Hydrobiologia, 571: 283-295.

6.     Wang, H. J., B. Z. Pan, X. M. Liang & H. Z. Wang. 2006. Gastropods on submerged macrophytes in Yangtze Lakes: community characteristics and empirical modelling. International Review Hydrobiology, 91(6): 521-538.

7.   Wu, S. K., Liang, G. D., Wang, S. B. & Liang, X. M. 2006. Relationships between microcystins and environmental parameters in 30 subtropical shallow lakes along the Yangtze River, China. Freshwater Biology, 51: 2309-2319.

8.   Wu L, Feng W S, Chen X J, Tang H Y, Wang Z X, Shu F Y, Liang X M. 2007. Fauna of zooplankton in Zhongshan City. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 42: 135-143.

9.     Wang S B, Xie P, Wu S K, Liang X M. 2007. Phytoplankton biomass in relation to nutrients and zooplankton in thirty subtropical lakes adjacent to the Yangtze River, China. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 169: 49-55.

10.   Wang, Z. X., Y. D. Cui, X. M. Liang and H. Z. Wang, 2008.  Aquatic Oligochaeta from Zhongshan, South China. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 43 (1): 69-74.  

11.  Wang, H. J., X. M. Liang, P. H. Jiang, J. Wang, S. K. Wu and H. Z. Wang. 2008. TN: TP ratio and planktivorous fish do not affect nutrient-chlorophyll relationships in shallow lakes. Freshwater Biology, 53: 935-944.

12.   Pan, B. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang, Z. X. Wang, F. Y. Shu & H. Z. Wang. 2008. Macrozoobenthos in Yangtze oxbows: community characteristics and causes of resources decline. Journal of Lake Sciences, 20(6): 806-813.



Assistant Researchers

Yongde CUI

Dr., Assistant Researcher

Telephone: +86 -27- 68780064
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Education and employment

2000                     Graduated from Dept. of Biological Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou

2000-present        Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2007-present        Assistant Researcher of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


 Major research areas

Taxonomy and ecology of microdrile Oligochaeta (Annelida)


Current projects

1.   Oligochaeta of west China and South China Sea

2.   Oligochaeta (Annelida) of deep lakes of Yunnan Province

3.   Pattern detection and ecotoxicological responses of aquatic oligochaetes



1.   Cui, Y. D. & H. Z. Wang. 2005. Potamothrix scleropenis sp. nov. (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) from the Fuxian Lake, the deepest lake in southwest China. Zoological Science, 22: 1353-1357.CuiWang05ZoolSci.pdf

2. Cui, Y. D. & H. Z. Wang, 2005. Chapter 2. Resource and environmental characters of small and medium lake, macrophytes. In Y. B. Cui & Z. J. Li (eds), Fishery Resources and Conservation of Environment in Lakes of the Changjiang River Basin, Science Press, Beijing: 89-92.[CuiWang05Macrophytes2.pdf]

3.  Wang, H. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang, L. Y. Ni, X. Q. Liu & Y. D. Cui. 2005. Empirical modelling of submersed macrophytes in Yangtze lakes. Ecological Modelling,188: 483-491.[Wang05EcolModel.pdf]

4.  Wang, H. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang & Y. D. Cui, 2006. Stocking models of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir japonica sinensis) in Yangtze lakes. Aquaculture, 255: 456-465.[Wang06Aquaculture.pdf]

5.  Son K H, Ji C W, Park Y M, Cui Y D, Wang H Z, Chon T S & Cha E Y. 2006. Recurrent Self-Organizing Map implemented to detection of temporal line-movement patterns of Lumbriculus variegatus (Oligochaeta: Lumbriculidae) in response to the treatments of heavy metal, In: Kungolos A G, Brebbia C A, Samaras C P, Popov V. (Eds), Environmental Toxicology, Southampton and Mykonos, 77-92. SonWang06EnvironToxi.pdf

6.  Wang, H. Z., Xu, Q. Q., Cui, Y. D. & Liang, Y. L. 2007. Macrozoobenthic community of Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake of China, in the Yangtze floodplain. Limnology, 8: 65-71.[Wang07Limnology.pdf]

7. Wang, H. Z. & Y. D. Cui. 2007/2008. On the studies of Microdrile Oligochaeta and Aeolosomatidae (Annelida) in China: brief history and species checklist. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 31(supplement): 87-98. [WangCui08 ActaHydrobiolSin.pdf]

8.  Cui, Y. D., Liu, X. Q. and Wang, H. Z. 2008. Macrozoobenthic community of Fuxian Lake, the deepest lake of southwest China. Limnologica, 38: 116-125.[CuiWang08Limno.pdf]

9. Wang, Z. X., Y. D. Cui, X. M. Liang & H. Z. Wang. 2008. Aquatic Oligochaeta from Zhongshan, South China. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 43 (1): 69-74. [WangWangChinJZoology.pdf ]

10. Cui, Y. D. & H. Z. Wang. 2008. Ecology of macrozoobenthic communities in two plateau lakes of Southwest China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 26(4): 245-352. [CuiWang08 JOceanolLimnol.pdf].

11. Cui, Y. D. & H. Z. Wang. 2009. Three new species of Tubificidae, Oligochaeta, from two plateau lakes in Southwest China. Zootaxa, 2143: 45-54. [CuiWang09Zootaxa]


Xueqin LIU

Dr., Assistant Researcher

Telephone: +86 -27- 68780064
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Education and employment

1997.7-2001.9       B.Sc. in Huazhong Agriculture University

2001.9-2004.7       M.Sc. in Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2004.9-2006.6       Doctoral Candidate in Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2006.7-present    Assistant Researcher of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Research area
Generally I am interested in ecology of aquatic ecosystems and trying to find out how organisms connect and interact with each other in different spatial and temporal dimensions. Also, I am seeking for general patterns of ecosystems and their affecting factors with relation to resolving practically environmental problems. My approaches combine empirical food web analyses and large scale comparisons. Recently my work concentrates on the Yangtze floodplain with emphases on energy flow pattern in lakes, food chain length and fish-macroinvertebrate interaction.



1.    Wang, H. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang, L. Y. Ni, X. Q. Liu & Y. D. Cui. 2005. Empirical modelling of submersed macrophytes in Yangtze lakes. Ecological Modelling,188: 483-491.[Wang05EcolModel.pdf]     

2.     Liu, X. Q., H. Z. Wang & X. M. Liang, 2006. Food web of macroinvertebrate community in a Yangtze shallow lake: trophic basis and pathway. Hydrobiologia, 571: 283-295. [LiuWang06Hydrobiologia.pdf]

3.     Liu, X. Q. & Wang, H. Z. 2007. Food composition and dietary overlap of macroinvertebrates in a shallow eutrophic lake in China: spatial and temporal variations. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 168: 71-82. 〔LiuWang07FundApplLimno.pdf

4.   Cui, Y. D., Liu, X. Q. & Wang, H. Z. 2008. Macrozoobenthic community of Fuxian Lake, the deepest lake of southwest China. Limnologica, 38: 116-125.[CuiWang08Limno.pdf]

5.    Ru, H. J., X. Q. Liu, X. R. Huang, Y. Z. Ning and H. Z. Wang, 2008. Diversity of fish species and its spatio-temporal variations in Lake Dongting, a large Yangtze-connected lake. Journal of Lake Sciences, 20(1): 93-99.[RuWang08JLakeSci.pdf]

6.    Liu, X. Q. & Wang, H. Z., 2008. Food web of benthic macroinvertebrates in a large Yangtze River-connected lake: the role of flood disturbance. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 171/4: 297-309.[Liuwang08FundApplLimno.pdf]


Haijun WANG

 Dr., Assistant Researcher

Telephone: +86 -27- 68780064
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Education and employment

1997.7-2001.9       B.Sc. in Nanchang University

2001.7-2002.9       Research Assistant in IHB, CAS

2002.9-2004.7       M.Sc. in IHB, CAS

2004.9-2007.5       Doctoral Candidate in IHB, CAS

2007.6-present     Assistant Researcher of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Major research areas

Predictive limnology



1.  Wang, H. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang, L. Y. Ni, X. Q. Liu and Y. D. Cui, 2005. Empirical modelling of submersed macrophytes in Yangtze lakes. Ecological Modelling, 188: 483-491.[Wang05EcolModel.pdf]

2.   Wang, H. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang and Y. D. Cui, 2006. Stocking models of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir japonica sinensis) in Yangtze lakes. Aquaculture, 255: 456-465. [Wang06Aquaculture.pdf]

3.   Wang, H. J., B. Z. Pan, X. M. Liang and H. Z. Wang, 2006. Gastropods on submersed macrophytes in Yangtze lakes: community characteristics and empirical modelling. International Review of Hydrobiology, 91: 521-538.[WangWang06InternatRevHydrobiol.pdf]

4.  Wang, H. J., X. M. Liang, P. H. Jiang, J. Wang, S. K. Wu & H. Z. Wang. 2008. TN:TP ratio and planktivorous fish do not affect nutrient-chlorophyll relationships in shallow lakes. Freshwater Biology, 53: 935-944. [WangWang08FreshwatBiol.pdf]

5.  Pan, B. Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang, Z. X. Wang, F. Y. Shu & H. Z. Wang. 2008. Macrozoobenthos in Yangtze oxbows: community characteristics and causes of resources decline. Journal of Lake Sciences, 20(6): 806-813. [PanWang08JLakeSci.pdf].

6.  Wang, H. Z. & H. J. Wang, 2008. Loose nitrogen control and focus on phosphorus control in the mitigation of cyanobacteria bloom to reduce the cost of wastewater treatment. Science and Technology Review, 26:10. [Wang08 SciTechRev]

7.  Wang, H. J. and H. Z. Wang, 2008. No need to reduce nitrogen for eutrophication mitigation: findings of a long-term limnological study in China. SIL News, 53: 10-11. [WangWang08SILnews]

8.  Wang, H. Z. & H. J. Wang. 2008. Ecological effects of river-lake disconnection and restoration strategies in the mid-lower Yangtze Basin, In Z.Y. Wang, D. G. Shao, X. J. Shao, Y. J. Lu & X. H. Duan (eds), Integrated Management of Water, Sediment and Ecology in the Yangtze River Basin. Science Press, Beijing: 379-396.[WangWang08 IMWSEYRB]

9.  Wang, H. J. & H. Z. Wang. 2009. Mitigation of lake eutrophication: loosen nitrogen control and focus on phosphorus abatement. Progress in Natural Science, 19 (6):599-604.[WangWang09ProNatSciC]

10. Wang, H. J. & H. Z. Wang. 2009. Mitigation of lake eutrophication: loosen nitrogen control and focus on phosphorus abatement. Progress in Natural Science.19 (11): 1445-1451.[WangWang09ProNatSciE]

11.  Pan, B.Z., H. J. Wang, X. M. Liang & H. Z. Wang. 2009. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a in the Yangtze-connected lakes: present state, influencing factors and empirical relationships. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18 (10): 1894-1900.[PanWang09FreEnvironBull]

12.  Zhao, W. H., H. J. Wang, H. Z.Wang & Liu, X. Q., 2009. Conversion methods of freshwater snail tissue dry mass and ash-fry dry mass. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 20 (6): 1452-1458. [ZhaoWang09ChinJApplEcol]

13.  Shu, F. Y., H. J. Wang, L. X. Liu & H. Z. Wang, 2009. Assessment of species status of Mollusca in the mid-lower Yangtze Lakes. Acta Hydrobiologia Sinica, 336):84-91.[ShuWang09ActaHydrobiolSinica]

14. Yan, F. G., H. J. Wang, H. Z. Wang, T. L. Zhang, W. Li., 2009. Meiofauna in an algae-dominated shallow Lake: community characteristics with a discussion on the ecological role. Acta Hydrobiologia Sinica (in Chinese with English abstract)


Doctor Students


Xuebao HE Doctor Student
Major Systematics and Ecology of  Oligochaeta
Telephone +86 -27- 68780061
Fax +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072


Weihua ZHAO  Master Student
Major Stream Ecology
Telephone +86 -27- 68780061
Fax +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Huijun RU Master Student
Major Fish Ecology
Telephone +86 -27- 68780061
Fax +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Master Students



Yaqiang SHEN Master Student
Major Plant Ecology
Telephone: +86 -27- 68780061
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719


Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Gang YUAN Master Student
Major Fish Ecology
Telephone: +86 -27- 68780061
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Yong WANG Master Student
Major Ecology of Freshwater Algae
Telephone: +86 -27- 68780061
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072



Xiaoke ZHANG Master Student
Telephone: +86 -27- 68780061
Fax: +86 -27- 68780719

Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Wuhan, Hubei, 430072




